Candy & Bagel

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FO::March Socks


I said it'd be a while till I post a FO, but I decided to finish fixing a pair of socks I knit this month. Let's call these, March Socks (Oh, how original..)




I've been meaning to try afterthought heel for a while, ever since I heard about them on Knitmoregirls' Podcast.


There's certain appeal to knitting rounds and rounds of stockinette st. I would sit for hours just knitting and knitting.

The yarn I used is a ball of Regia I won as a prize at Public Knitting Day last year. Back then I was just getting addicted to sock knitting and when my raffle ticket number got called and I went up to the prize table to pick out my prize, I was thrilled to find this ball of Regia. I've really wanted to try Regia, from reading reviews but then none of the LYSes around me carries Regia.



I normally stick to knitting socks with laces so this self-striping yarn was put away in my stash for a year, but when I decided to try afterthought heel, I thought it would be perfect yarn for all stockinette socks.


the heel is thinner than the usual heel flap so it's more comfortable and natural. I think I'm gonna be using afterthought heel a lot.