Candy & Bagel

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back from Korea

just came back from korea about 2 weeks ago and now i finally have some time to update! To recap, Here are some photos:






basically, it was lots of shopping, eating, and spending time with family.

For those who care, my mom survived Stage 2 breast cancer 2 years ago, and just recently was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastized breast cancer again. So I had to make this trip, to see her and to soend more time with her. As I left home when I was 17, I havent had a lot of time with my family. Everything was good. Mom is doing very well, with the combination of acupuncture and the newest drugs in breast cancer treatment. It makes her very tired but she says it's better than chemo.

So, now I am back. The trip has worn me out and I'm slowly getting back in the flow of the routine. I will come back with more!