

Iā€™m just here to talk about fashion, life, books, knitting and sewing.



I swear my husband is NOT posing in this picture. He was just wondering where whatever he was looking for would be. That happens a lot around here. I keep putting things away, then forget where I put them, and then when my husband asks where certain things are, I shrug, he gets frustrated.

Cast On Date: November 2, 2011

Finish Date: November 11, 2011

Pattern: Brownstone by Jared Flood (a.k.a. BrooklynTweed)

Needles: US 6, 7, 8 just as suggested by the pattern.

I swatched and cast on for this sweater on the 2nd, in my own celebration of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month). I knit like crazy the first two days, and finished the body before boarding the plane to go to Atlanta on November 4. I finished both sleeves while I was in Atlanta for 48 hours, and when I came home, I joined for the yoke. Want to see what happens to your finger when you knit like that?

Ignore the scabby part; that was from something else. I was really clumsy with a pen (ouch..) but look at the red part! That's where the yarn goes because I knit continental. And that red is NOT from the yarn dye; the next day, I woke up with a pink rough patch. Even today, it sort of feels like a burned skin.

Keep in mind, this sweater has not been blocked yet. It fits beautifully on him and he likes it (he actually wanted the shawl collar BIGGER, but I think this would suffice...) He hasn't taken it off since I gave it to him right after I weaved in all the ends.

On the needles now: mom's tunic vest, dad's vest, and a shawl that I started last September. :)


It's December!
