

Iā€™m just here to talk about fashion, life, books, knitting and sewing.

Sunday Sewing: McCalls M5925 Tunic Shirt


Sewing Sunday, people! Kind of late, as I am posting this at 11:49 pm on Sunday. It's been 90+ degrees almost everyday in California for the past week, which makes everything difficult, even breathing.

So here is my work in progress of McCalls M5925. It is not an easy pattern for beginner-intermediate sewist like me, it has a LOT of pieces to work with. But I picked the pattern for my second garment project for a reason: it uses 90% of the techniques I learned in Fashion 100: collars, gathering, baste & turn/press, interfacing, easing...

It still needs hemming and I haven't decided whether to leave the armhole as is or to attach the sleeves. So many people in class voted "no sleeves" but I kind of want to test doing the set-in sleeves. Decisions, decisions....

Fall 2012 KAL: Andover or Gentle Teresa

Photos of "Gentle Teresa"