

I’m just here to talk about fashion, life, books, knitting and sewing.

DOMA and Prop 8 are out!

Back when one of my LYS was still in business, I was looking at some yarns and overheard a couple of elderly women talking about same sex marriage.

"I mean, marriage should be between a MAN and a WOMAN"

"where do they get this idea that marriage is a right? where does that say in our constitution?"

This was my 2nd year in law school, and I had every fiber in my body telling me to give them a US Government and Con Law class right there and there. You know, how both US constitution and the interpretation by the US Supreme Court are the law of the land, and the 3 branches of government, and Loving vs. Virginia (a case involving Equal Protection Clause under the Constitution, declaring laws that prohibit interracial marriage as unconstitutional)? I still, somewhat cowardly, somewhat wisely, walked away. I didn't want to make a scene at my LYS. (although to this day, I  keep thinking that I should have)

I hope those ladies get to read the US Supreme Court opinion today, where SCOTUS once again affirms that right to marry is an individual right and same sex couples cannot be discriminated against based on their sexual orientation. 

What we have today is based on logic and legal principles. When you look at these and facts and precedents set by the court, there's just NO OTHER conclusion possible. 

Please don't bring in religion into a legal discussion we're having in a country where the Constitution does NOT allow the government from having any affiliation to a religious institution. 

And "LOGIC" is not the same as "Familiarity". Just because the society you're FAMILIAR with had segregation between Whites and Non-whites or Heterosexual couples and Same Sex Couples, doesn't mean that what you know islogical. Logic is justice reached by analysis of legal/mathematical principles and facts. 




Spinning resumed

TNNA Recap~!