

I’m just here to talk about fashion, life, books, knitting and sewing.

Knitting? What Knitting?

Seriously. I haven't had a chance to blog about knitting... because I haven't been knitting.


How could that be? I'm a knitter. Is there a knitting who doesn't knit?! WHAT'S HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEE~~

It all started since I came back from Korea. I didn't even knit on the plane ride back from Korea. I just got all tired, didn't want to do anything, didn't want to eat anything --- > I think I was super depressed.

Since I got back to work, I think it has gotten a bit better, but nothing much has happened in terms of knitting. I am designing a sweater right now so maybe I'll have more to talk about!

But I didn't want to leave my blog so cold without no new updates.

So here are some photos to show you that I'm still alive and well:


Husband's parents came to visit for a week, so we ate out every single night and had very awesome brunches both Saturday and Sunday. This one is at Larchmont Bungalow in LA.


After the brunch, we took our parents to the Farmer's Market at The Grove.




Which isn't really "farmer's market" anymore, but still cute and has awesome snacks and food.




On Sunday, we took them to  Orange Hill Restaurant, which is like 10 minutes away from home but is up on the hill so you get a nice view of Orange County and LA. Not much to see, but it's very cozy and fun (I mean unlimited champagne with your buffet breakfast?).

They left just this week, early on Monday and the doggies were sad. Even Candy, who just met my mother in law for the first time!

Maybe it just takes time. TIME. to recover from a long trip and such a fulfilling experience with family.


"Je suis un artiste"

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