

I’m just here to talk about fashion, life, books, knitting and sewing.

#hmfc15 Mommy & Me matching outfits


I have been a horrible host for the Handmade Fashion Challenge.

but, before I left for Korea, I managed to sew something for me and my baby from the wrap I DIY'd when Logan was just a tiny baby and it was still 90 degrees in March. Now that this baby is almost 20 lbs, I can no longer wear him in a stretchy wrap but why would I let this beautiful bamboo blend fabric go to waste? 

First, my tee. The tee pattern is very simple, and I tried to modify the pattern to do a v-neck. The neck binding came out kind of funky so I refinished it by handsewing. Does anyone have a good tutorial for v-neck binding?


And the baby's romper came out so awesom! The bamboo fabric really keeps him cool and it came in handy in Korea. Everything we had brought from the States was useless because even the sleeveless ones were too thick! We bought a ton of thin, cotton and bamboo blends while we were in Korea but this handmade baby stayed. :)

With just over a month left of the Challenge, I might have to re evaluate my goals. I definitely won't have enough time for my original plans that included knits and crochet projects. All sewing? Does that feel like I am cheating on knitting?

I'm Teaching!
